Final Workshop


Final Workshop of the LIP Internship Program, where the students summarize their research work performed over the summer at LIP. The results are presented to the colleagues and the LIP community.

When: September 13 & 14, 2021 (Monday and Tuesday)

Where: Zoom link:
Meeting-ID: 817 6314 7784
Password: 156310

The format of the presentations is as follows:

  • 12 minutes (10 min + 2 min for discussions) for projects with one student,
  • 16 minutes (14 min + 2 min for discussions) for projects with multiple students.

Please ask your supervisor(s) to upload the slides to Indico.

For projects with multiple students there should still be a single set of slides, but you are encouraged to split the allocated time amongst yourselves speaking in turn.

We encourage you to present the talks in English.


  • Monday 13 September
    • 09:30 09:40
      Convener: Gernot Eichmann (LIP)
    • 09:40 11:00
      Session: 1
      Convener: Valentina Lozza (LIP)
      • 09:40
        73 - Investigation of the muon puzzle at the Pierre Auger Observatory 12m
        Speaker: Raquel Freitas Nunes
      • 09:52
        74 - Pierre Auger vs. The Machine: towards validation of deep-learning based reconstruction of ultra-high energy cosmic rays with new data from the Pierre Auger Observatory 12m
        Speaker: Diogo Costa
      • 10:04
        46 - Desenvolvimento de uma interface para analisar eventos do Observatório Pierre Auger, para uso em Masterclasses 16m
        Speakers: Diogo Ventura, Ricardo da Silva Correia
      • 10:20
        63 - Muografia: simulação da sensibilidade do telescópio de muões 12m
        Speakers: Isabel Maria Jaló Alexandre, Maria Inês Machado Correia Brioso Dias, Rodrigo Henrique Gomes Pereira
      • 10:32
        47 - Optimização da muografia 16m
        Speakers: Maria Inês Machado Correia Brioso Dias, Rodrigo Henrique Gomes Pereira
      • 10:48
        67 - Calibração de detetores RPC para muografia 12m
        Speaker: Jorge Francisco Silva
    • 11:00 11:20
      Coffee Break 20m
    • 11:20 12:52
      Session: 2
      Convener: Raul Sarmento (LIP)
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:30 16:00
      Session: 3
      Convener: Sofia Andringa (LIP)
      • 14:30
        55 - Neutron data from the SNO+ neutrino detector 16m
        Speakers: André Octávio Pais Ferreira dos Santos Soares, Teresa Oliveira Miranda
      • 14:46
        62 - À descoberta da natureza do neutrino: decaimento beta duplo sem neutrinos 16m
        Speakers: Carlos Roxo, Francisco Pais
      • 15:02
        91 - Detecção directa de matéria escura com a experiência LUX-ZEPLIN 16m
        Speakers: Diogo S. Gorgulho, Francisco Casalinho, Tiago Martins
      • 15:18
        76 - Estudos para controlar a radiação de fundo na verificação experimental do efeito Migdal 12m
        Speaker: Gonçalo Ivo
      • 15:30
        77 - Predição do efeito Migdal nas calibrações com neutrões em LZ 12m
        Speaker: Paulo Pires
      • 15:42
        93 - Identifying Hidden Particles with Machine Learning at SHiP 16m
        Speakers: André Branco, Henrique de Sousa Santos
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 16:30 18:00
      Session: 4
      Convener: Marco Pinto (LIP)
      • 16:30
        82 - Simulating the impact of proton therapy on amyloid protein structures using Geant4-DNA 16m
        Speakers: Débora Almeida , Maria Alves Simões
      • 16:46
        72 - Estudo de um microdosimetro de fibras cintilante em diferentes ambientes de radiação utilizando o codigo FLUKA 12m
        Speaker: Madalena Ventura Gamboa
      • 16:58
        61 - Muões num balão: medidas do fluxo e muões até à estratosfera 16m
        Speakers: Afonso Robalo Ávila, Daniel Tavares Marques Coelho, Julio Santos
      • 17:14
        80 - Investigating ANN and their use in the reconstruction of high energetic photons with the R3B calorimeter CALIFA 12m
        Speaker: Tomás Sousa
      • 17:26
        81 - Thermal evaporation of thin layers of Copper for detector development 12m
        Speaker: André Filipe Nobre Azevedo
      • 17:38
        71 - High-precision timing detectors for HL-LHC 12m
        Speaker: Cristina Meng
  • Tuesday 14 September
    • 09:40 11:00
      Session: 5
      Convener: Marcia Quaresma (LIP)
      • 09:40
        58 - Understanding hadronization timescales using jets 16m
        Speakers: Diogo Miguel dos Santos Simões, Nuno Olavo Gonçalves Mendes Madureira
      • 09:56
        64 - Novel jet algorithms to unveil the Quark-Gluon Plasma evolution 16m
        Speakers: Alexandre da Silva Monforte, João Miguel Ferreira da Rocha Fernandes, Lénea Luís
      • 10:12
        88 - Exploring jet quenching effects during QGP initialisation 16m
        Speakers: André Milagre dos Santos, Daniela Beatriz Cabral Cardoso
      • 10:28
        68 - QCD effects in the muon anomalous magnetic moment 16m
        Speakers: André Nunes, Mário Abílio Bettencourt de Castro Jorge Amaro
      • 10:44
        48 - Heavy quarks as probes of the primordial plasma 16m
        Speaker: Henrique Miguel Marques Luis Legoinha
    • 11:00 11:20
      Coffee Break 20m
    • 11:20 12:45
      Session: 6
      Convener: Rúben Conceição (LIP)
      • 11:20
        49 - Investigating the Flavor Anomalies 16m
        Speakers: Marta André Botas, Reza, Ruben Pozzi
      • 11:36
        59 - Searching for new physics by colliding light in the CMS experiment at the LHC 12m
        Speaker: Ana João dos Santos Benquerença
      • 11:48
        60 - Advanced Machine Learnnig for Exclusive Processes 12m
        Speaker: Manuel Maria Berjano Peixoto
      • 12:00
        86 - Search for dark matter in association with a new Z` boson at the LHC 16m
        Speakers: Amélia Pinto, Madalena Cardoso Nunes
      • 12:16
        92 - Muon efficiency performance with Tag and Probe using CMS Open Data 12m
        Speaker: Rodrigo Campello Silva
      • 12:28
        54 - Hunting for Kaons with Neural Networks 16m
        Speakers: Joana Catarina Santos Belo, João Pedro da Silva Neves
    • 12:45 12:55
      Mid-term activities - Awards
    • 12:55 13:00
      Group photo
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:30 16:20
      Session: 7
      Convener: Liliana Apolinário (LIP)
      • 14:30
        52 - Física Experimental de Partículas com o detector ATLAS 16m
        Speakers: Helena Lessa Macedo, Inês Moroso Alexandre Serra
      • 14:46
        51 - Machine Learning Methods to measure the quantum numbers of the Higgs interaction to W bosons 12m
        Speaker: João Moura Pereira de Lucas Teixeira
      • 14:58
        95 - Boosted Higgs boson reconstruction in WH associated production 12m
        Speaker: Al-Maha Abdallah Al-Habsi
      • 15:10
        65 - Deep Neural Networks applications in experimental physics data analysis 12m
        Speaker: Pedro Mendeiros
      • 15:22
        42 - Using the HiggsML dataset to benchmark machine learning techniques 16m
        Speakers: Pedro António Ribeiro Costa Sampaio, Sarah Melissa Silva Almada
      • 15:38
        44 - Detecção de anomalias como teste de novos fenómenos de física nos dados da experiência ATLAS do CERN 16m
        Speakers: Ed Reeves, Rui Lucas Oliveira Faria Ferreira
      • 15:54
        43 - Transferability in machine learning: LHC searches as a case study 12m
        Speaker: Gilberto Cunha
      • 16:06
        45 - Deteção de anomalias como ferramenta para descoberta de nova física no Large Hadron Collider do CERN 12m
        Speaker: Miguel Caçador Peixoto
    • 16:20 16:40
      Coffee Break 20m
    • 16:40 18:16
      Session: 8
      Convener: Bernardo Tomé (LIP)
      • 16:40
        57 - De que são feitos os nucleões e os piões? 16m
        Speakers: Guilherme Filipe Marques Almeida, Pedro Afonso de Brito Tomé
      • 16:56
        85 - Desenvolvimento de uma nova tecnologia para detetores de neutrões 16m
        Speakers: Gonçalo Gomes, Inês Serra, Mariana Santos
      • 17:12
        66 - Setting up a spectrometer to measure the absolute light yield of scintillating materials 12m
        Speaker: Helene Rehahn
      • 17:24
        75 - Simulation of large scintillators for future HEP experiments using GEANT4 16m
        Speakers: Diogo Mendonça, Francisco Pereira da Silva Antunes Ferreira
      • 17:40
        83 - Development of a portable system for scintillation detection 12m
        Speaker: Inês Gonçalves Dias
      • 17:52
        94 - Sistema de alta tensão do Tilecal 12m
        Speaker: João Pedro Jones Olho Azul
      • 18:04
        41 - Testes do novo detetor de tempo de voo para experiência HADES 12m
        Speaker: Guilherme Alcides Alves da Silva Martins e Rodrigues