- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The morning will be devoted to two introductory lectures, followed by time for informal chats in smaller groups ("tutorial chats").
The afternoon will be devoted to hands-on tutorials, where you can learn how to use some of the analysis tools and techniques that you will be using in your project.
Lectures and tutorials will be in ZOOM
Lectures: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/93751327352?pwd=b2Voa0NWRjE1OWgrY0dOMG96TWtLQT09
Tutorials: check the agenda for each day.
Recordings of lectures and tutorials can be accessed here: https://www.lip.pt/training/internship-program/materials/ (access instructions were sent by email to participants)
Some of the tutorials will depend on your previous knowledge. To help us organize, please mark the ones you wish to participate in
The tutorials will be done in the LIP computing machine, please test before hand that you can access with
ssh username@summer.ncg.ingrid.pt
The instructions on how to create your ssh keys were sent by email (if you did not get it, contact helpdesk@lip.pt); for other questions you can use the LIP-computing channel in slack (invitation was sent in a previous email).
During the week, try to answer the Great Particle Challenge questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CEEW_IPMR6xhZO4RlVtXo8G1N5ILQFaMZPWObmIDA6Y/edit
Link back to the LIP Internship page