
EOSC-synergy Work Packages Breakouts: WP5

Sep 23, 2019, 4:30 PM
Main Auditorium

Main Auditorium


EOSC-synergy Work Packages Breakouts: WP5

  • Tiziana Ferrari
  • Ludek Matyska


Welcome (Ludek Matyska)

Round table (All)

WP5 Presentation, Objectives and Goals (Ludek Matyska)

T5.1 Landscaping
overview and current situation
available/existing information sources
information to be gathered (identification of)

T5.2 Gap analysis
input to T5.1, which information we need for the gap analysis

T5.3 National and international liaison
partners and target groups identification
collection of contacts
collaboration strategy with target groups

AOB and Wrap up

Expected output of the meeting:
WP5 workplan till the end of the year (Matyska, all)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Building timetable...