The CERN analysis preservation portal

Sep 25, 2019, 12:00 PM
CSIC Auditorium

CSIC Auditorium

Oral Presentation Enabling and fostering Open Science adoption IBERGRID Contributions


Lara Lloret Iglesias (CSIC)


The CERN analysis preservation portal (CAP) comprises a set of tools and services aiming to assist researchers in describing and preserving all the components of a physics analysis such as data, software and computing environment. Together with the associated documentation, all these assets are kept in one place so that the analysis can be fully or partially reused even several years after the publication of the original scientific results. An experiment-specific submission and retrieval interface has been developed for the CMS collaboration. It integrates with the CMS internal analysis registry (CADI) to capture all analyses with basic information, complemented with a detailed submission form for full information. The CMS data aggregation system (DAS) is interfaced to the deposit form to assist in filling in exact dataset names used in the analysis to ensure searchability. Efforts are ongoing to describe physics content for an intelligent retrieval, and to interface with container solutions for full reproducibility for selected test cases.

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