The ascent of scientific computing: the EGI role and contribution towards the European Open Science Cloud

Sep 23, 2019, 12:00 PM
Main Auditorium

Main Auditorium


Dr Tiziana Ferrari (


This presentation provides an overview of the central role of
distributed data processing to support scientific excellence of
international collaboration in the past decade.
We present the architecture and governance model of EGI, the European infrastructure for exabyte-scale computing, and we demonstrate how open science has been benefiting from the power delivered by the EGI Federation, connecting more than 1,000,000 CPU cores worldwide to realize the largest computing platform for research in the world. The presentation concludes by introducing the technical and organizational challenges that scientific computing will face in the coming decade, and the role that EGI and IBERGRID will play in the context of the European Open Science Cloud initiative of the European Commission.

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