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For anyone with a basic course on particle physics and/or to be familiar with the basics of physics.
Required background
Attendees are expected to have followed a basic course on particle physics and/or to be familiar with the following topics:
Students are recommended to refresh their knowledge in particle physics prior to the Course. Suggested bibliography:
The registration for the Course is free but mandatory.
IST students should register for the course on "Tópicos em Física de Partículas" on Fenix.
link: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/disciplinas/TFParti/2024-2025/2-semestre
In order to be qualified for the exam, students must attend at least 80% of the lectures. The evaluation will consist of a presentation (~20mins) of a paper, followed by questions.
A certificate will be delivered after the Course upon regular attendance and successful final examination.
The content of the Course may be updated as a result of possible discoveries at LHC during the Course duration.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 682 5725 8580
Passcode: 342458
All lectures will start at 5pm (Lisbon time), unless otherwise stated. Please note that Lisbon is one hour behind CET.