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Research project presentations should describe the problem, the techniques used to address it, and the conclusions reached.
Each presentation will be 20 mins (maximum) and will be followed by up to 10 minutes of questions/discussion. Both students in each group should participate in making and showing the presentation. Student presence is welcome during all presentations, but not mandatory.
Evaluation criteria will be: 1) presentation clarity, 2) description of problem, 3) use of machine learning techniques, 4) conclusions and critical thinking. Project supervisors are welcome to attend the presentations and will be asked to take part in the evaluation.
Zoom link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/96614351677?pwd=NkZWZnlORmJtc3JCV3ZxejJQTkdTUT09
Course: Advanced Data Analysis Techniques (TAAD)
Degree/university: MEF/MF - UC, 1st semester 2022/2023
Profs: R. Gonçalo, F. Veloso, M. Ferreira, P. Brás, T.Cerqueira