2nd International Workshop on Soft X-ray Single-order Diffraction Grating Technology and Application

Physics Department (University of Coimbra)

Physics Department

University of Coimbra

Jorge Maia, José Escada, Rui Silva

The 2ndinternational workshop on soft X-ray Single-order diffraction Grating technology and application will be held on Oct. 16-20, 2019 at the Physics Department of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. It will provide a forum for researchers who will share their latest research results, technical information and achievements by presentations and discussion on the soft X-ray single-order diffraction grating development and its applications. The workshop will embrace new concepts, equipment, and products, as well as highlight recent advances in X-ray optics and optical systems based on soft X-ray single-order diffraction grating technology. Contributions from the related companies are also invited to exchange information widely. The workshop will include a series of oral presentations, poster articles, and open discussions.





    • Welcome address: Prof. Isabel Lopes (LIP direction), Leifeng Cao and Rui Silva E10A, 2nd floor (Physics Department)

      E10A, 2nd floor

      Physics Department

      Conveners: Mr Leifeng Cao ( Laser Fusion Research Center, CAEP, China), Rui Curado Silva (LIP Coimbra)
    • X-ray Optics - Chair: Mingqi Cui E10A, 2nd floor (Physics Department)

      E10A, 2nd floor

      Physics Department

      • 1
        From Single-stage Diffraction Grating to Quantum Free Electron Laser (25’+5’)
        Speaker: Prof. Leifeng Cao ( Laser Fusion Research Center, CAEP, China)
      • 2
        Higher-order diffraction suppression of free-standing quasiperiodic nanohole arrays in the x-ray region (25’+5’)
        Speaker: Prof. Hailiang Li
    • 10:45 AM
      Coffee Break Physics Department

      Physics Department

      University of Coimbra

    • X-ray Optics - Chair: Mingqi Cui E10A, 2nd floor (Physics Department)

      E10A, 2nd floor

      Physics Department

      • 3
        Nanofabrication of free-standing spectroscopic photon sieves operating in soft X-ray region (25’+5’)
        Speakers: Prof. Changqing Xie, Prof. Hailiang Li
      • 4
        Delta-like response soft x-ray energy spectrometer (25’+5’)
        Speakers: LAI WEI, Mr Leifeng Cao ( Laser Fusion Research Center, CAEP, China)
    • 12:15 PM
      Lunch at Restaurante Loggia Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro

      Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro

      Largo Dr. José Rodrigues, 3000-236 Coimbra
    • X- and γ-ray Detectors and Applications - Chair: Fei AD1, 1st floor (Physics Department)

      AD1, 1st floor

      Physics Department

    • 3:45 PM
      Coffee Break Physics Department

      Physics Department

      University of Coimbra

    • Beam Monochromatic and Applications - Chair: Leifeng Cao AD1, 1st floor (Physics Department)

      AD1, 1st floor

      Physics Department

    • 7:30 PM
    • Beam Monochromatic and Applications - Chair: Leifeng Cao Conference Room, 3rd floor (Physics Department, )

      Conference Room, 3rd floor

      Physics Department,

      • 10
        Reflectance measurements and analysis of EUV multilayers on the SDG beamline of BSRF (25’+5’)
        Speaker: Mingqi Cui (Institute of High Energy ,CAS, Beijng 100049,China)
      • 11
        Polarization Measurement of the SDG Beamline of BSRF Based on Multilayer in VUV and EUV Range (25’+5’)
        Speaker: Prof. Jingtao Zhu (School of Physics Science and Engineering, Tongji University)
    • 10:15 AM
      Coffee Break Physics Department

      Physics Department

      University of Coimbra

    • X- and γ-ray Detectors and Applications - Chair: Changqing Xie Conference Room, 3rd floor (Physics Department)

      Conference Room, 3rd floor

      Physics Department

      • 12
        Negative ion mobility measurement with a Dual-Polarity Ion Drift Chamber (25’+5’)
        Speaker: Filipa Borges (LIP)
      • 13
        Proton Radiation Sensitivity of Gamma-Ray CdTe Detectors (25’+5’)
        Speaker: Jorge Maia (LIP)
    • Poster Session AD1 Lobby, 1st floor (Physics Department)

      AD1 Lobby, 1st floor

      Physics Department

      • 14
        Characteristics of gaseous mixtures based on noble gases as detection medium
        Speakers: Mr Alexandre Trindade, Filomena Santos (LIP), Jorge Maia (LIP), Rui Curado Silva (LIP Coimbra)
      • 15
        Compton Telescope CubeSat Prototype
        Speakers: Filomena Santos (LIP), Henrique Neves (Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas), Jorge Maia (LIP), Rui Curado Silva (LIP Coimbra)
      • 16
        High-energy Future Space Telescopes Source Sensitivity in the Multi-Messenger Era
        Speaker: Giorgio Canezin (LIP)
      • 17
        Polarimetry with a multi-layer CdTe prototype detector for High-energy Astrophysics
        Speaker: Miguel Moita (LIP)
      • 18
        Simulation of the performance of a Multi-Grid High-Pressure Gas Proportional Scintillation Counter for gamma rays
        Speaker: Afonso Marques
      • 19
        Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes Analysis for Aircraft Transport Safety
        Speaker: Joana Mingacho (LIP)
    • 12:30 PM
    • Social Programme – Visit to the University of Coimbra: Old Library, Chapel, Sala dos Capelos and Botanical Garden Physics Department

      Physics Department

      University of Coimbra

    • Collaboration Group Discussion AD1 ROOM, 1ST FLOOR (PHYSICS DEPARTMENT)



    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break Physics Department

      Physics Department

      University of Coimbra

    • Collaboration Group Discussion AD1 ROOM, 1ST FLOOR (PHYSICS DEPARTMENT)



    • 12:15 PM
      Lunch Physics Department

      Physics Department

      University of Coimbra

    • Social Programme Physics Department

      Physics Department

      University of Coimbra

    • 7:15 PM
      Banquet Physics Department

      Physics Department

      University of Coimbra

    • Conference Closing Physics Department

      Physics Department

      University of Coimbra