Sep 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

New observation of α decay of $^{190}Pt$ to the first excited level of $^{186}Os$

Sep 5, 2021, 5:35 PM


Talk Nuclear and particle astrophysics Nuclear and particle astrophysics


Dr Mariia Romaniuk (Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU)


The partial half-life of $^{190}Pt$ for the alpha decay to the first excited level ($E_{exc}=137.2$ keV) of $^{186}Os$ was measured using an ultralow-background HPGe-detector system located 225 m underground in the laboratory HADES (Belgium). A sample of high purity platinum (the purity grade is 99.95%) with a mass of 148.122 g was used and measured during 373 days. Preliminary, the partial half-life of $^{190}Pt$ is estimated as $T_{1/2}=(2.2\pm0.4)\times10^{14}$ yr. Measurements of the $^{190}Pt$ isotopic concentration in the platinum sample are in progress at the John de Laeter Centre at Curtin University (Perth, Western Australia) aiming to further reduce the half-life value uncertainty.

Primary authors

Dr Mariia Romaniuk (Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU) F. A. Danevich (Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU) M. Hult (European Commission, JRC-Geel) D. V. Kasperovych (Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU) G. Lutter (Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark) G. Marissens (European Commission, JRC-Geel) O. G. Polischuk (Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU) H. Stroh (European Commission, JRC-Geel) S. Tessalina (John de Laeter Centre for Isotope Research) V. I. Tretyak (Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU)

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