5–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

New Ideas of Probing Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter

5 Sept 2021, 15:10


Talk Dark matter and cosmology Dark matter and cosmology


Yue Zhang (Carleton University)


Sterile neutrino is a simple and elegant dark matter candidate. In its minimal incarnation, the original Dodelson-Widrow mechanism that explains the relic abundance has been in strong tension with the indirect detection limits. I present the self interacting neutrino scenario, mediated by a Majoron-like scalar or vector boson, as a novel solution to the above tension. It can accommodate new production mechanisms for sterile neutrino dark matter, open up a wide parameter space, and result in a number of testable signatures from the laboratorie s to the cosmos.

Primary authors

Yue Zhang (Carleton University) Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern U.) Manibrata Sen (UC Berkeley and Northwestern) Walter Tangarife (Loyola University, Chicago) Kevin Kelly (Fermilab)

Presentation materials