Proton capture reactions at sub-barrier energies have significant
contributions in explosive nucleosynthesis environments. In
particular, they are crucial to determine the reaction rate of the
inverse (g,p) reaction in reaction networks describing the production
of the stable p-nuclei, a set of 35 naturally occurring nuclei from Se
to Hg that cannot be produced in neutron capture processes like the
s-process or the r-process.
In this work, we present the measurement for the first time of the
radiative proton capture reaction 118Sn(p,g)119Sb using the activation
method by detecting the emitted X-rays. The gamma emission associated
to the electron capture decay in 119Sb will be used to validate the
method. The results are compared to theoretical predictions using the
TALYS code, and show the potential of using this technique to further
constrain the nuclear input in astrophysical network calculations.