Sep 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Opportunities of Si-microstrip LGAD for next-generation Space detectors

Sep 8, 2021, 4:40 PM


Talk Development of accelerators and detectors Development of accelerators and detectors


Matteo Duranti (INFN, Perugia (IT))


Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGAD) is a consolidated technology developed for particle detectors at colliders which allows for simultaneous and accurate time (<100 ps) and position (< 10 µm) resolutions with segmented Si-pixel sensors. It is a candidate technology that could enable for the first time 4D tracking (position and time) in space using LGAD Si-microstrip tracking systems. The intrinsic gain of LGAD sensors may also allow to decrease the sensor thickness while achieving signal yields similar to those of Si-microstrips currently operated in Space.

In this contribution we discuss the possible applications and breakthrough opportunities in next generation large area cosmic ray detectors and sub-GeV gamma-ray detectors that could be enabled by LGAD Si-microstrip tracking detectors in Space. We propose the design of a cost-effective instrument demonstrator on a CubeSat platform to enable and qualify the operation of LGAD Si-microstrip detectors in Space.

Primary authors

Matteo Duranti (INFN, Perugia (IT)) Dr Valerio Vagelli (Italian Space Agency)


Dr Alberto Oliva (INFN Bologna) Dr Elisabetta Cavazzuti (Italian Space Agency) Dr Fabio Cossio (INFN Torino) Dr Lorenzo Pacini (INFN Firenze) Dr Mattia Barbanera (INFN Perugia) Dr Valerio Formato (INFN Roma2)

Presentation materials