5–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

TMD cross-section factorization for dijet production at the EIC

8 Sept 2021, 13:15


Talk QCD, spin physics and chiral dynamics QCD, spin physics and chiral dynamics


Rafael Fernández del Castillo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


We use soft collinear effective theory (SCET) to study a dijet production process in deep-inelastic-scattering (DIS), measuring the imbalance of the two hard probes in the Breit frame. In order to achieve factorization of the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) cross-section, we need to introduce a new soft function that we calculate at one-loop, regulating rapidity divergencies with the delta-regulator. We use consistency relations with heavy meson pair production in DIS to extend the anomalous dimension of the dijet soft function to three loops. We also provide phenomenological discussion and preliminary plots for this process, which is expected to be measured at the future EIC. The study of these processes could provide new knowledge of the TMD gluon distributions, to which they are sensitive.

Primary author

Rafael Fernández del Castillo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Presentation materials