Sep 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Hadronic decays of charmed hadrons at BESIII (12+3)

Sep 8, 2021, 1:45 PM


Talk Flavour physics - CKM and beyond Flavour physics - CKM and beyond


Ying-Rui Hou (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)


BESIII has collected 2.9, 6.3 and 4.4 fb-1 of e+e- collision data samples at 3.773, 4.178-4.226 and 4.6-4.7 GeV, respectively. We report recent measurements of strong phase differences in D0 and D0-bar decays of KSpi+pi-, KSK+K-, K-pi+pi+pi- and K-pi+pi0. The obtained parameters are important to reduce the systematic uncertainty in the gamma/phi_3 measurement at LHCb and Belle II. We will also report the amplitude analyses of D+ -> KSK+pi0, Ds -> etapi+pi0, K+K-pi+, pi+pi+pi-, KSpi+pi0, K+K-pi+pi0,and KSK-pi+pi+. In addition, the absolute branching fractions of D0(+), Ds, and Lambda_c decays will also be presented.

Primary author

Ying-Rui Hou (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials