Summer Student Program 2019 | Tutorials Week

3Is, UCoimbra, UMInho

3Is, UCoimbra, UMInho


Welcome to the induction week for the 2019 LIP Summer Student Program!

It starts on Monday, July 15th, 9h20. In Lisbon, we will meet in the Auditorium of the LIP building (3Is, see map). At Minho University, the room is CP3, 3.02. At Coimbra, the room is AD1 at the Physics Department. 

The agenda for the week is organized according to the following daily format:

  • 9:30-11:30: Lectures
  • 11:30-12:30: Tutoring conversations between students and researchers
  • 14:00-17:00: Hands-on tutorials and exercises

Except for the first two hours of lectures, the remaining sessions are of an interactive nature, where students pose their questions and carry out exercices facilitated by the researchers,

Lectures will be broadcasted through vidoconference, while the remaining sessions will take place at each location (Lisbon, Coimbra, Braga).

In Lisbon: lectures will take place in the auditorium of the LIP building (3Is), the tutoring conversations will take place in smaller rooms also at 3Is, and the hands-on sessions (afternoons) will be at FCUL (rooms will be specified directly on the agenda).


    • 1
    • Introduction
    • Tutoring discussion: Meeting with supervisors
    • Tutorial: Introduction to Linux and C++ FCUL


      • 4
        Introduction to Linux and C++ 1.5.10



        Introduction to basic linux (bash) and C++. Students who have never contacted with a terminal should attend this session rather than the ROOT one.

        Basic bash commands, basic input output in C++, for loop and if condition.

        Speakers: Ana Luisa Carvalho (LIP), Diogo Bastos, Mariana Araújo
      • 5
        Introduction to ROOT 1.5.11



        This session is intended for students who already had some contact with a terminal and some C++ fluency. The basics of the ROOT framework will be introduced. This session is repeated on Tuesday for students who took the concurrent session.

        There will be three topics:
        - ROOT inline
        - TBrowser
        - ROOT macro

        To install root on your computer (if you wish) you'll need to install all the software that ROOT depends on. You can find it per distribution here:
        Still, sometimes somethings can still be needed.

        If you're using linux you can run the script (after installing the needed dependencies) and it should install in your computer. You can run it in a terminal:
        Or you can open the script in a text editor and run the steps one by one.

        If you use Windows we deeply recomend you make a dual boot with linux or create a virtual machine. Further information on the ROOT instaltion:

        If you choose to run the script, the next time you open a terminal you should be able to run root by typing:

        Speakers: Beatriz Lopes (LIP), João Pedro de Arruda Gonçalves (LIP), Luís Sintra
    • Lecture: LHC
    • Tutoring discussion: LHC
      • 8
        Tutoring chat: LHC AD1 (UC)



        Speaker: Filipe Veloso (LIP, UC)
      • 9
        Tutoring chat: LHC 3Is


        Speakers: Nuno Leonardo (LIP), Pedrame Bargassa (LIP)
      • 10
        Tutoring chat: LHC UM


        Speaker: Nuno Castro (LIP, and University of Minho)
    • Tutorial: Introduction to ROOT FCUL


    • Lecture: Detectors
    • Tutoring discussion: Detectors
      • 15
        Tutoring chat: Detectors 3Is


        Speakers: Bernardo Tomé (LIP), Joao Gentil Mendes Saraiva (LIP), Jorge Sampaio (LIP / FCUL), Tahereh Niknejad (LIP)
      • 16
        Tutoring chat: Detectors (RPCs) AD2 (UC)



        Speaker: Alberto Blanco (LIP)
    • Lecture
      • 17
        Introduction to statistics C1 anfiteatro fisica (FCUL)

        C1 anfiteatro fisica


        Speaker: Pedrame Bargassa (LIP)
    • Data Analysis: Hands-on data analysis FCUL


      • 18
        Introduction to neural networks and Keras FCUL C1.5.12

        FCUL C1.5.12

        This session introduces neural networks and how to build them in python using Keras. Additionally, some basic data-science principles are demonstrated.

        Speakers: Giles Strong (LIP), João Pedro de Arruda Gonçalves (LIP), Luís Sintra
      • 19
        Likelihood fitting FCUL C1.4.20

        FCUL C1.4.20

        In this exercise we will carry out an analysis of LHC data, putting in practice what we have learned in the past sessions.

        Speakers: Ana Luisa Carvalho (LIP), Julia Silva (LIP), Nuno Leonardo (LIP)
    • Lecture: Cosmic rays, neutrinos, and dark matter
    • Tutoring discussion: Astro
      • 22
        Tutoring chat: Astro U.Minho


        Speakers: Henrique Carvalho (LIP Minho), Raul Sarmento (LIP)
      • 23
        Tutoring chat: Astro 3Is


        Speakers: Bernardo Tomé (LIP), Felix Riehn (LIP), Lorenzo Cazon (LIP), Nuno Barros (LIP), Valentina Lozza (LIP)
      • 24
        Tutoring chat: Astro AD1 (U.Coimbra)



        Speakers: Alex Lindote (LIP, UC), Elias Lopez-Asamar (LIP)
    • Data Analysis FCUL


      • 25
        Hands-on: Neutrinos FCUL 1.4.20

        FCUL 1.4.20

        Find out if neutrinos do have a mass.

        Speakers: Nuno Barros (LIP), Sofia Andringa (LIP), Valentina Lozza (LIP)
      • 26
        LHC: HYPATIA and OpenData FCUL 1.5.12

        FCUL 1.5.12

        This tutorial will cover aspects related to data analysis at LHC.
        In HYPATIA session you will learn how to identify particles in a detector like ATLAS and CMS.
        The purpose of the OpenData is to understand the role of the kinematic variables in (any) data analysis that aims to maximize a signal while mitigating the background.

        Instructions to run HYPATHIA

        (1) Download script '' it should be copied to Downloads folder.
        Open a terminal and type:
        (2) bash
        (3) cp Dowloads/
        (4) source
        The script description is:
        - creates a directory HYPATHIA
        - downloads the java application and the events
        - loads a web page on firefox with further instructions on the exercise
        - lauches the application
        In Hypathia application
        (5) Choose the correct set of events (*.xml files) seen in HYPATHIA directory

        Speakers: Helena Santos (LIP), Joao Gentil Mendes Saraiva (LIP), Rute Pedro (LIP/FCUL)
    • Lecture: Structure of matter & Heavy ions
    • Tutoring discussion: Structure of matter & heavy ion physics
      • 29
        Tutoring chat: Structure of matter 3Is


        Speakers: Celso Franco (LIP), Liliana Apolinário (LIP), Nuno Leonardo (LIP)