5–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

ATLAS measurements of CP violation and rare decays processes with beauty mesons

7 Sept 2021, 19:10


Poster Flavour physics - CKM and beyond Poster Session II


Lukas Novotny (Czech Technical University in Prague)


The ATLAS experiment has performed measurements of B-meson rare decays proceeding via suppressed electroweak flavour changing neutral currents, and of mixing and CP violation in the neutral Bs meson system.
This talk will focus on the latest results from the ATLAS collaboration, such as rare processes B^0_s → mu mu and B^0 → mu mu, and CP violation in the B_s^0 —> J/psi phi decays. In the latter, the Standard Model predicts the CP violating mixing phase, phi_s, to be very small and its SM value is very well constrained, while in many new physics models large phi_s values are expected. The latest measurements of phi_s and several other parameters describing the B_s^0 —> J/psi phi decays will be reported.

Primary author

Lukas Novotny (Czech Technical University in Prague)

Presentation materials