5–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Measurement of the antinuclei nuclear inelastic cross sections with ALICE and implications for indirect Dark Matter searches

5 Sept 2021, 15:56


Talk Dark matter and cosmology Dark matter and cosmology


Stephan Koenigstorfer (ALICE Collaboration, Technichal Universiy Munich)


Antinuclei in cosmic rays are considered a unique probe for signals from exotic physics, such as WIMP Dark Matter annihilations. Indeed, these channels are characterised by a very low astrophysical background, which comes from antinuclei produced by high energy cosmic ray interactions with ordinary matter.
In order to make quantitative predictions for antinuclei fluxes near earth, both the production and annihilation cross sections of antinuclei need to be accurately known down to low energies.
In ultra relativistic pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the CERN LHC, matter and antimatter are abundantly produced in almost equal amounts, allowing us to study the production of antinuclei and measure their absorption in the detector material. The antinuclei absorption cross section is evaluated on the average ALICE material. Using this result, we then predict the transparency of our galaxy to anti-3He from both dark matter annihilations and high energy cosmic ray collisions.
In this talk we present the first measurements of the antideuteron and anti-3He absorption cross section with ALICE and we discuss the implications of these results for indirect Dark Matter searches using cosmic antinuclei.

Primary author

Stephan Koenigstorfer (ALICE Collaboration, Technichal Universiy Munich)

Presentation materials