5–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Search for invisible decays at BESIII

7 Sept 2021, 11:32


Poster Tests of symmetries and conservation laws Poster Session I


kai liu (IHEP)


BESIII has collected 448.2 M $\psi(3686)$ data set and 10 B $J/\psi$ data set. The huge clean data sample provide an excellent chance to search for new physics. We report the search for decay $J/\psi\to\gamma + invisible$, which is predicted by next-to-minimal supersymmetric model. Without significant signal found, we gave around 6.2 times better upper limits than previous CLEO-c’s results. In addition, we report the preliminary result of the first search for the invisible decay of $\Lambda$. This invisible decay is predicted by the mirror matter model which could explain the $4\sigma$ discrepancy in neutron lifetime measurement results from the beam method and bottle method.

Primary author

kai liu (IHEP)

Presentation materials