5–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Detector R&D for the International Linear Collider

8 Sept 2021, 14:50


Talk Development of accelerators and detectors Development of accelerators and detectors


David Miller (University of Chicago)


The International Linear Collider project develops a linear electron-positron collider with a first "Higgs factory" stage at 250 GeV, followed by an upgrade to higher energy. The precision physics program of the ILC places demanding requirements on the detectors that are to equip the interaction region. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations of complete detector concepts have been used to draw up the main specifications for the detector performance. A global design and R&D effort has addressed these challenging goals with important progress in ultra-transparent vertex detector and tracker solutions, as well as in highly granular calorimeter systems. An overview of the detector requirements will be given and highlights of the R&D effort will be presented in this contribution (on behalf of the International Development Team Detector & Physics Speaker's Bureau).

Primary author

David Miller (University of Chicago)

Presentation materials