5–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Simultaneous Extraction of Spin-Averaged and Helicity Light Quark Sea Asymmetries

5 Sept 2021, 15:43


Talk QCD, spin physics and chiral dynamics QCD, spin physics and chiral dynamics


Christopher Cocuzza (Temple University)


We present a new global QCD analysis of unpolarized and polarized data, using a Monte Carlo approach to simultaneously extract both the spin-averaged and helicity PDFs. We focus on the light quark sea asymmetries, including new data from the SeaQuest experiment and $W$-lepton production at RHIC. For the first time we extract a nonzero light quark sea asymmetry for the helicity PDFs through a QCD global analysis using the latest data from the STAR collaboration.

Primary authors

Christopher Cocuzza (Temple University) Dr Jake Ethier Dr Wally Melnitchouk (Jefferson Lab) Dr Andreas Metz (Temple University) Nobuo Sato (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials