28–30 Oct 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

FAIR-EVA : Fair data in the DT_GEO project

28 Oct 2024, 11:30
Auditório (Centro de Investigação Médica (CIM-FMUP))


Centro de Investigação Médica (CIM-FMUP)

Quality of software, services and data IBERGRID


Iván Palomo Llavona (IFCA)


FAIRness is an important quality of all kinds of data and metadata with each of the principles FAIR standing for the different criteria: Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusabilty.

FAIR-EVA is a tool that reports the FAIRrness level of digital objects from different repositories or data portals implemented via different plugins, allowing the user to improve the maturity level of the digital object, In order to get the metadata the user only needs to provide the link to where the item is stored and its identifier.

To evaluate a digital object a set of tests is created for each of the FAIR categories, ranging from considering the persistence of the identifier, to searching in different controlled vocabularies .

In the last year, we have added a plugin that evaluates digital objects stored on the EPOS platform, where the metadata for the DT-GEO Project will be stored. In tandem, a new metadata schema has been created for the EPOS platform. To compare the new schema to the old one, both have been evaluated via datasets that were represented in the two of them. The results showed an improvement from the old schema to the new one, once more metadata is given the results will be even better.

In this presentation we’ll explain FAIR data, the fair evaluator and its development in the context of the EPOS platform and the DT- GEO project.

Primary author

Iván Palomo Llavona (IFCA)


Pablo Orviz Fernández (IFCA-CSIC)

Presentation materials