Sep 25 – 29, 2023
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque
Europe/Madrid timezone

CSIC’s Digital Science and Innovation Platform

Sep 28, 2023, 2:35 PM
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque

Centro de Ciencias de Benasque

Av. de Francia, 17, 22440   Benasque Huesca, Spain   42.603194, 0.523222
Presentation (15' + 5' for questions) Enabling and fostering Open Science adoption IBERGRID


David Rodríguez González (IFCA (CSIC))


The “Digital Science and Innovation” Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (PTI) was launched by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in June 2022, with the aim to innovate in all areas of digital science and data lifecycle management, from planning, acquisition, and processing to publication and preservation.

The platform groups its activity into the following 4 strategic areas and 2 cross-cutting areas:

  • Data Science

  • Sensors and integration of intelligent systems

  • Cross-cutting software and tools

  • Digital Security

  • Open Science

  • Innovation

In addition, the platform integrates infrastructures such as clean rooms and data processing centres. The idea is that PTI integrates all the capabilities, technologies, and knowledge of CSIC research groups working on digitization, to tackle projects with high levels of technological development, and integrate the results into the industrial sector.

During its first year the platform has established links with many different groups and counts now with about 150 researchers from more than 40 different CSIC institutes, it also has external participants from industry and other institutions. We have established links with GAIA-X Spain through the FGCSIC and made contacts in Industry.

All these was displayed during the PTI’s first Annual Meeting last may in the CCHS in Madrid, with the participation of representatives from research, governmental institutions and industry.

Data Science

One of our aims is to enable collaboration in Data Science projects for researchers all across the spectrum, and in particular to encourage the use of digital technologies in all areas of science and humanities, helping to establish links among different research groups and communities and fostering collaboration and the participation in funding calls for digital technologies related projects at all levels from local to European.

For instance, three of the PTI’s groups have collaborated in the elaboration of a European project proposal (SIESTA) that has been funded by the European Commision and will start on the first of January 2024.

We aim also to facilitate the access and knowledge of these technologies for all types of researchers (from wet lab to digital humanities). For this we propose collaborations to facilitate the access to computational infrastructures and are preparing several formation activities.

Open Science

Open Science is a cross-cutting area in the platform, meaning that it is necessary to address it in any project developed in the platform. Our objectives in this area of the PTI are:

  • Consolidating the Open Sciences practices as a paradigm for the generation, communication and evaluation of scientific activities at CSIC.
  • Collaborating with other PTIs and institutions in this area.
  • Reinforce the institutional strategies: open access mandate, FAIR research data management, science in EOSC, formation and tools...
  • Exploring models for the alignment with new international recommendations and policies: evaluation systems and metrics,legal aspects, social compromise.

We have organised a summer course at UIMP “Pilares para el avance de la Ciencia Abierta”, held in Cuenca in September 2023 that covered different aspects of Open Science, from Open Access and FAIR data to infrastructures (like EOSC) and policies.

Primary authors

Dr Cecilia Jiménez Jorquera (IMB-CNM (CSIC)) David Rodríguez González (IFCA (CSIC))

Presentation materials