25–29 Sept 2023
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque
Europe/Madrid timezone

Ensure Research Software Quality

27 Sept 2023, 13:20
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque

Centro de Ciencias de Benasque

Av. de Francia, 17, 22440   Benasque Huesca, Spain   42.603194, 0.523222
Presentation (15' + 5' for questions) Quality of software, services and data IBERGRID


Mário David (LIP)


In the framework of EOSC Association several Task Forces have been created to study and report about Open Science, Open Data and in particular Quality for Research Software.
Research Software (RS) is defined as software that is produced by researchers and used as an enabler for scientific activities. A major objective of the EOSC task force on Infrastructures for Quality Research Software is to improve the quality of RS, both from the technical and organizational point of view for RS in general and in particular the software used in the services offered through EOSC.The Task Force is subdivided into three subgroups. In this presentation we will describe the first results and the first deliverable from the “Ensure Software Quality” subgroup.
The subgroup has conducted a review of the state-of-the-art of Software Quality models. The presentation will explain the strategy and the first deliverable containing a significant amount of Quality Models with corresponding Quality Attributes. The models and attributes have been compared and were merged where appropriate. The deliverable has been published in Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/8221384 , and is currently under review by external parties to the subgroup.
This first document constitutes a reference to the ongoing work towards identifying the most appropriate quality attributes, not necessarily from the same Quality Model, for each category of identified RS. Thus the objective of the subgroup is to recommend a set (or several sets) of Quality Attributes for RS validation.
Issues such as Open Source, FAIR for RS, citation as well as testing, will be also tackled in the presentation.

Primary author

Mário David (LIP)

Presentation materials