Many FAIR and Open Data concepts are being implemented with more collaborative tools than ever before. The VISA (Virtual Infrastructure for Scientific Analysis) Portal, developed at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and adopted by partners in the EU projects PaNOSC and ExPaNDS, is the most promising concept for us at DESY.
A group of research institutes that participated in these projects agreed to advance the development, integration and subsequent use of VISA at their respective facilities. The portal is in production at ILL and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) for beamline control and data access as well as analysis.
VISA allows scientists to start their preferred set of interactive analysis tools and giving them access to scientific data repositories.
VISA's inherent access control mechanism synchronized with scientific metadata catalogues allows users to access not only Open Data but also their private data that might still be under embargo.
Concrete topics in the presentation at IBERGRID will be our roadmap to integrate VISA into the DESY infrastructure and our planned changes to the external user account management targeting improved compliance with FAIR Data compliance.