Ana Luisa Carvalho
Maura Barros,
Raul Sarmento
7/13/20, 2:00 PM
General instructions for hands-on tutorials:
- get ssh key, send public file to
- login to your account as: ssh -XY
- troubleshooting: slack channel #lip-machines
- advise for exercises: slack channel #c-tutorial, #root1-tutorial
- zoom connection (see room link attached to each individual tutorial session)
This tutorial session:...
Ana Luisa Carvalho
Maura Barros,
Raul Sarmento
7/14/20, 2:00 PM
For those with some experience using ROOT, or who followed the basic tutorial
Alessio Boletti
Ana Luisa Carvalho
Nuno Leonardo
7/15/20, 3:00 PM
Data analysis and fitting using ROOT
Maura Barros,
Miguel Crispim Romao
Rute Pedro
Tiago Vale
7/16/20, 2:00 PM
Machine learning techniques in particle physics