25–27 Jun 2020
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Neural networks on a budget: Speed without sacrificing performance

25 Jun 2020, 14:55
PhD student talk Session 3


Giles Strong (LIP)


As machine-learning and deep-learning techniques become more and more ingrained in academic research tasks, two problems that researchers invariably face are:
1) How to train and apply models in a timely manner without sacrificing performance;
2) And how to do so with only a limited hardware-budget.

In my recent paper [1], I explore how recent techniques for neural network training and architecture can be used to match state-of-the-art performance on a HEP benchmark dataset (2014 Kaggle HiggsML) in just 14 minutes on a standard laptop CPU, as opposed to the previous time of 12 hours on a top-of-the range GPU (~100 minutes accounting for hardware advancements between 2013 and 2017).

Developed partly alongside the above referenced investigation, LUMIN [2] is an open-source PyTorch wrapper and data-analysis framework designed specifically for HEP usage, providing implementations of many recent and state-of-the-art methods for deep learning. The main aim is to allow HEP researchers to apply easily optimal approaches to standard tasks in HEP (i.e. classification & regression), whilst being modular enough to be adapted to more novel and investigative problems (e.g. studying the applicability of HEP-specific graph-nets to top-tagging).

This presentation would include: a quick overview of the techniques studied; and a call for contributors to help grow LUMIN to meet better the requirements of the HEP community.

[1] Strong 2020, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2632-2153/ab983a
[2] LUMIN https://lumin.readthedocs.io/

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