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Sofia Andringa
- Speaker at Debate: Research and Diversity
- Lorenzo Annulli
- Mariana Araújo
- Duarte Azevedo (CFTC-UL)
- Maura Barros
- Ricardo Barrué (LIP)
- Diogo Bastos (LIP)
- Michal Bejger (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland)
- Ana Luisa Carvalho (LIP)
- Diogo Castelão (IA)
Guilherme Catumba
- Speaker at Gluon self-interaction vertices
- Luis Coelho
- José Cordeiro
- Matthew Cox (LIP & University of Liverpool)
Alexandre Falcão
(University of Coimbra)
- Speaker at Analytic Structure of the Gluon Propagator
- Pedro Gabriel (CFTC-UL)
Paulo Garcia
(Universidade do Porto)
- Speaker at Transferable skills: career development
- Thanasis Giannakopoulos (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Ricardo Gonçalo
- Speaker at Opening and welcome
- Emanuel Gouveia (LIP)
Guilherme Guedes
- Speaker at Phenomenology of Little Higgs Models
- Ana Sofia Inácio (LIP)
- Miguel Levy (CFTP, Instituto Superior Técnico)
- José Lopes (CENTRA, IST, UL)
- Peter Lowdon (École Polytechnique, Paris)
Kostas Nikolopoulos
(University of Birmingham)
- Speaker at Keynote talk 2: Higgs sector - a perspective
- Ana Peixoto (LIP)
- Renan Pereira (Centre for Physics of the University of Coimbra)
- Guilherme Pereira (LIP)
Mário Pimenta
- Speaker at Closing and farewell
- Beatriz Pinheiro Pereira
Àngels Ramos
(University of Barcelona)
- Speaker at Research and society: women in physics
Maria Ramos
- Speaker at Hints of new physics from CHMs
- João Rino-Silvestre
- João Rosa (Universidade de Coimbra)
- João Rosa (Instituto Superior Técnico)
- Davide Salomoni (INFN - CNAF, Bologna, Italy)
- Giles Strong (LIP)
- Isabel Suárez Fernández (CENTRA / Instituto Superior Técnico)
- Pedro Teixeira (LIP / UÉvora)
- Alex Toldaiev (CMS LIP)
- Tiago Vale (LIP)