28–30 Oct 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

An update from the European Open Science Cloud Spanish National Tripartite Event

28 Oct 2024, 16:30
Auditório (Centro de Investigação Médica (CIM-FMUP))


Centro de Investigação Médica (CIM-FMUP)

Presentation (15' + 5' for questions) Enabling and fostering Open Science adoption IBERGRID


Ignacio Blanquer Espert (Universitat Politècnica de València)


The third National Tripartite Event (NTE) organised by Spain took place on 24 September 2024. The event covered three blocks: the EOSC governance, new INFRAEOSC projects with Spanish partners, and updates on the EOSC Federation.

The event covered the last updates on the EOSC governance, including the new task forces, the consultation processes on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the Multi-Annual Report. The whole governance includes the EOSC Steering Board and the European Commission.

The Spanish participation on the INFRAEOSC calls has experimented a significant increase, with four projects coordinated by Spanish Institutions and an important fraction of the projects funded include Spanish institutions. Spanish participation had an important focus on Software.

An important part of the discussion focused on the EOSC federation and the concept of nodes, recently presented on the EU node launching event.

The presentation will reflect the outlines of this events and the last news on the EOSC collaboration, with a special focus on Spain and Portugal.

Primary author

Ignacio Blanquer Espert (Universitat Politècnica de València)

Presentation materials