28–30 Oct 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Driving EGI Forward: Spain and Portugal Powering the EGI Federation

28 Oct 2024, 15:25
Auditório (Centro de Investigação Médica (CIM-FMUP))


Centro de Investigação Médica (CIM-FMUP)

Cooperation between Iberian research communities IBERGRID


Andrea Manzi (EGI Foundation)


This presentation will provide a summary and details about the history of IBERGID in the EGI Federation, showing the complex provider, user and innovator relationships that exist between Spain, Portugal and the rest of EGI. The talk aims to socialise and promote the benefits and achievements of the IBERGRID - EGI partnership.

Spain and Portugal have been significant contributors to the EGI Federation since its beginning. Over the years, IBERGRID has demonstrated a solid commitment to advancing scientific research and technological innovation. With a continuously growing user base (over 3,300 registered users in 2023), and overall ten HTC and seven cloud sites, these countries have played a pivotal role in advancing science with the use of advanced compute services, and providing computational resources and services to the European research community. In 2023 IBERGRID providers delivered nearly 320 Million HTC CPU hours and 29 Million Cloud CPU hours to users via EGI.

Spanish and Portuguese institutions made significant contributions to the innovation of EGI as evidenced by their extensive involvement in numerous R&D collaborative projects and coordinated initiatives. Through over 43 joint projects (in 2023) and active participation in other international R&D efforts, IBERGRID institutes fostered knowledge exchange and technology development, and played a pivotal role in driving the evolution of EGI, and through EGI also of the European Open Science Cloud. The most significant innovations from Spain and Portugal contributed through EGI to breakthroughs in the fields of physics, medicine and climate research.

Spain and Portugal's collaborative spirit and technological expertise have positioned them as driving forces within the EGI Federation. Their contributions to scientific research and their potential for future breakthroughs solidify their status as key players in shaping the European research landscape.

Primary authors

Andrea Manzi (EGI Foundation) Gergely Sipos (EGI Foundation) Ilaria Fava (EGI Foundation)

Presentation materials