4 June 2024 to 9 July 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone


Astroparticles, dark matter and neutrinos

25 Jun 2024, 09:30


For those in Lisbon:
Seminar Room (3rd floor) - LIP
Av. Prof Gama Pinto nº 2, Lisboa

QUIZ Time!

Astroparticle Physics: https://quizizz.com/join?gc=75336063

Dark Matter: https://quizizz.com/join?gc=98670041

Neutrinos: https://quizizz.com/join?gc=85202432

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Raul Sarmento (LIP)
25/06/2024, 09:30
Paulo Brás (LIP)
25/06/2024, 10:00
Valentina Lozza (LIP)
25/06/2024, 11:00
Building timetable...