- Particles and their decays into stable particles.
- Detector layout, geometry, particle flow
- Tracking:
- Silicon (solid-state) trackers.
- Track reconstruction, momentum measurement.
- Muon detectors.
- Calorimetry:
- Electromagnetic and hadronic showers.
- Energy reconstruction and resolution.
- Jets and missing energy.
- Trigger:
- Level-1 latency and pipelining.
- HLT: configuration flexibility and efficiency.
An overview of SM processes (excluding those that are explicitly covered in the following lectures, i.e. Top, B, Higgs)
- Basics of probability
- Errors
- Probability density functions
- The likelihood principle
- Hypothesis testing
- Basics of multivariate algorithms
- Basics of probability
- Errors
- Probability density functions
- The likelihood principle
- Hypothesis testing
- Basics of multivariate algorithms
Top quark physics:
- Introduction
- Discovery
- Tevatron vs LHC
- Objects used in Top quark events
- Heavy flavor tagging and mis-tagging
- Top quark production (cross section, differential cross section)
Top quark properties and decays:
- Properties: mass, mass difference, charge asymmetry, spin correlation
- Decay: branching ratios (taus, heavy flavor content of ttbar events, Vtb)
Top quark studies in the search for New Physics:
- New particles decaying to top quarks
- BSM top decays
- Top-like signatures
- Boosted top
- Top-tagging
Single top quark and rare decays:
- Single Top quark
- The Wtb vertex structure within and beyond the SM
- Rare decays of top quarks (Flavor Changing Neutral Current)
Reminder of some shortcomings of the SM: masses, WW scattering.
The Higgs mechanism. Production and decay of the Higgs boson at colliders: LEP, Tevatron and LHC.
Previous searches at LEP and the Tevatron.
Discovery of the Higgs boson in the different final states:
Algorithms, challenges, tools,
combination of results
Case-study of the H->bb search, H->bb observation
Algorithms, challenges, tools
Higgs measurements with H->bb
- Search for new physics in the Higgs sector.
- The Higgs boson and processes beyond the SM.
- Extensions of the SM, minimal and non-minimal extensions.
- High mass searches.
- MSSM Higgs searches: neutral, charged.
- Light pseudoscalar, resonant and non-resonant Higgs pair production.
Searches for exotic particles and for Dark Matter candidates are discussed.
- General introduction SUSY
- Description of the soft SUSY lagrangian
- Phenomenological introduction to SUSY particles I: Squarks, gluino, sleptons, charginos, neutralinos, higgs
- Phenomenological introduction to SUSY particles II: Squarks, gluino, sleptons, charginos, neutralinos, higgs
- Searches of SUSY particles at past accelerators & LHC I
Recommended reading: ...
- Searches of SUSY particles at past accelerators & LHC II
The so-called flavor anomalies are introduced.
BSM through precision. Rare decays and FCNCs. Anomalies and Lepton Flavour Universality violation.
Future endeavors in particle physics, both the High-Luminosity phase of the LHC and plans for future accelerators in particle physics are presented.
Nature 376 (2022) 170: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk1781
arXiv:2201.07861: https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07861