10–13 Oct 2022
Universidade do Algarve
Europe/Lisbon timezone

FAIRness Evaluation, Validation and Advising with FAIR EVA

13 Oct 2022, 13:30
Auditório 1.5 (Complexo Pedagógico)

Auditório 1.5

Complexo Pedagógico

UALG - Campus da Penha
Practical Demonstration (15') Enabling and fostering Open Science adoption in EOSC IBERGRID Contributions


Fernando Aguilar Gómez (IFCA)


Within the context of EOSC-Synergy project, which aims at expanding the capacity of the European Open Science Cloud in terms of digital infrastructures as well as promoting software and data quality, FAIR EVA (Evaluator, Validator & Advisor) has been developed. It is oriented to be scalable and customizable to adapt to different repository or data systems. This tool connects to the data service to get data and metadata information and it performs different technical test to evaluate the FAIRness status of a research product (mainly data, but it can check any available digital object).

Althoug it includes a generic implementation, the connection to external services as well as the list of tests to be performed can be customized developing or extending existing plugins. This make FAIR EVA flexible and ready to work within different research communities. The modular architecture and the dockerized mode facilitate scaling.

This demo will show how to deploy FAIR EVA, how it works and how it can be connected to any data system.

Primary authors

Presentation materials