LIP Internhsip Program | 2021 edition preparation


The LIP Internship Program is LIP's flagship program for undergraduate students.

Students spend up to two months during summer period integrated in a LIP research group.

LIP researchers are invited to submit student-project proposals and supervise students.

Further information is provided under the "Minutes" tab next to each topic below.

    • 1
      Starting up the 5th edition

      Program's (public) page:

      The proposed calendar and individual organization items and information are listed below in the agenda.

      Organization and lists:

      • (mailing list used for communications [among supervisors] about the program)
      • (core team and technical aspects)
      • to be created (usage during internhip period):
        • list for annoucements to enrolled students
        • slack channel for general and dedicated discussions (eg tutorials, projects, etc)

      Colleagues who are interested in submitting project proposals and be involved in student supervision should subscribe to estagiosverao.loc mailing list (*), which will be used for communication of organizational aspects.

      (*) by sending quick subscription request to or (note that due to security reasons, automated subscription to LIP mailing lists is currently not available)


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      a. Project submission: April 1 – April 25 (15/4 site opens) 

      b. Projects announcement: April 26  

      d. Student registration: April 26 – May 31 

      c. Student ordering by supervisors: June 6  

      d. Student assignment: June 11   

      e. Tutorial week: July 5-9

      f. Final workshop: September 8-9 (new date: Sep. 13-14)

      g. Reports: October 10  

    • 3
      Project submission

      Project proposal submission is done via the form:

      Access to submission form:

      • done using LIP account credentials
      • username = or 
      • password = the same used to access LIP IT infrastructure 

      Submission guidelines:

      • a proposal includes a title and a brief description
      • specify number of students that may be accepted in project (ie two)
      • a project may have one or more supervisors; a single contact email should be provided
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      Progam announcement and outreach done in collaboration with LIP-ECO. Items include:

      • website
      • poster
      • social media (videos per area?)
      • student lists
      • sessions@Uni
      • goodies/merchandise
      • faq's
      • survey
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      Student registration, assignment, contracts

      Students register via a webform available from the progam's site

      Students are assigned to projects based on following ordered criteria:

      1. student preferrence (specified by students at time of application)
      2. supervisor ranking (of the student candidates who selected given project)


      Selected students sign contract with LIP (and in some cases also with university)

      • contracts are drafted and managed by LIP Secretariat
    • 6
      Lectures & tutorials week

      The goals of the week are:

      • to formally welcome students to the internsip program
      • to provide introduction to LIP, its research, and common tools

      Format (past editions):

      • introductory lectures
      • tutorial chats
      • hands-on tutorials

      For this edition we plan to have also a "pre-exercise session" in week prior with the goals of:

      • give overview about IT security and certificates (students are given access to LIP computer account)
      • ensure basic familiarity of unix environment and other baseline computing-related aspects
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      Mid-term activities

      While during this period students are focused on development of their own internship projects, and tend to interact mostly with supervisors, the goal here is to facilitate common activities and interaction amongst all students. 

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      Final workshop

      Students present their work to fellow students and LIP researchers at a final workshop in September.

      (see last year's workshop here:

    • 9
      Student papers

      Students summarize results of internship work in paper published on LIP site:

    • 10
      • slack channel
        • (used for: tutorials, mid-term, project development, issue/solution sharing, discussion)
        • create new channel (or re-use last year's)
      • final survey
        • very positive students' feedback!