25–27 Jun 2020
Europe/Lisbon timezone

A Taste of the Flavour Problem - Is Symmetry the Missing Ingredient

26 Jun 2020, 10:10
PhD student talk Session 5


Miguel Levy (CFTP, Instituto Superior Técnico)


In this talk I will present some generalities on the paradigm of flavour symmetries, and the benefits that it encompasses. Given the large multiplicity of scenarios in which this paradigm is included, I will focus on two specific works (in progress): approximate Yukawa symmetries in the context of 2HDMs; and subgroup-preserving points (stabilizers) in the context of discrete modular symmetries ($\Gamma_N$). The first scenario follows a bottom-up approach to BSM theories, leading to hitherto unstudied 2HDMs, which feature a very characteristic and predictive flavour structure. The second work is based on a top-down approach, since modular symmetries often play a role in string theories, allied to the fact that small $N$ modular symmetries have been established as fruitful scenarios for both quark and lepton mixing. As such, a comprehensive study of symmetry breaking paths of the modular symmetries is of interest for model building.

Primary author

Miguel Levy (CFTP, Instituto Superior Técnico)

Presentation materials