Zoom: Zoom link
Meeting ID: 649 7066 1694
Passcode: 87654321
MPI@LHC 2021 is the twelfth conference of a series of successful joint theory/experiment workshops that bring together the world's leading experts from theory and LHC experiments to discuss the latest progress on the physics relevant to the Multiple Partonic Interactions.
This year it will take place in a hybrid mode (online and in-person) in Lisbon and hosted by LIP, Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas. A mandatory Green Pass is required for all attendees of the workshop.
The conference will cover the following topics, divided in working groups:
- WG1: Minimum Bias, Underlying Event and Monte Carlo generators
- WG2: Double Parton Scattering
- WG3: High multiplicities and small systems
- WG4: Diffraction and small-x
- WG5: Heavy Ion collisions
Previous editions of the workshop
- MPI@LHC'19 Prague, Czech Republic: https://indico.cern.ch/event/816226/
- MPI@LHC'18 Perugia, Italy: https://indico.cern.ch/event/736470/
- MPI@LHC'17 Shimla, India: https://indico.cern.ch/event/625304/
- MPI@LHC'16 San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico: http://www.nucleares.unam.mx/MPI2016/
- MPI@LHC’15 Trieste, Italy: http://indico.ictp.it/event/a14280/
- MPI@LHC'14 Krakow, Poland: https://indico.cern.ch/event/305160/
- MPI@LHC'13 Antwerp, Belgium: http://indico.cern.ch/event/231843/
- MPI@LHC'12 CERN Geneva, Switzerland: https://indico.cern.ch/event/184925/
- MPI@LHC'11 DESY Hamburg, Germany: http://mpi11.desy.de/
- MPI@LHC'10 Glasgow, Scotland: http://www.mpi2010.physics.gla.ac.uk
- MPI@LHC'08 Perugia, Italy: http://www.pg.infn.it/mpi08/
Registration for this event is currently open.