October 5, 2019
Gran Sasso Science Institute
Europe/Rome timezone


There are a number of Hotels and B&Bs not far from the workshop venue. 

Hotel San Michele (3 mins walk from GSSI)

​​email: info@stmichelehotel.it; Tel. +39 0862 420260

Hotel L'Aquila  (7 mins walk from GSSI) ​​

email: info@hotel-laquila.com; Tel. +39 08 62 581237

We have reserved 15 rooms in the nearest (3min walk) hotel , i.e. Hotel San Michele.
Each participant should contact the hotel confirming the reservation (refer to "IDPASC-GSSI" in your message) not later than august 20th, 2019. The cost is 60 eur/night.

Many other solutions (some of them at walking distance) can be found on the web, also using metasearch engines.