Introduction to basic linux (bash) and C++. Students who have never contacted with a terminal should attend this session rather than the ROOT one.
Basic bash commands, basic input output in C++, for loop and if condition.
This session is intended for students who already had some contact with a terminal and some C++ fluency. The basics of the ROOT framework will be introduced. This session is repeated on Tuesday for students who took the concurrent session.
There will be three topics:
- ROOT inline
- TBrowser
- ROOT macro
To install root on your computer (if you wish) you'll need to install all the software...
This session is meant for students who took the Linux and C++ Introduction session on Monday and should be equivalent to it's concurrent one.
In this tutorial we try to reconstruct the Z from a dimuon system. At the end you should have a file that you can run by the previous macros and compare results.