15–19 Jul 2019
3Is, UCoimbra, UMInho
UTC timezone

Introduction to ROOT

15 Jul 2019, 14:00
1.5.11 (FCUL)




Beatriz Lopes (LIP) João Pedro de Arruda Gonçalves (LIP) Luís Sintra


This session is intended for students who already had some contact with a terminal and some C++ fluency. The basics of the ROOT framework will be introduced. This session is repeated on Tuesday for students who took the concurrent session.

There will be three topics:
- ROOT inline
- TBrowser
- ROOT macro

To install root on your computer (if you wish) you'll need to install all the software that ROOT depends on. You can find it per distribution here:
Still, sometimes somethings can still be needed.

If you're using linux you can run the install_root.sh script (after installing the needed dependencies) and it should install in your computer. You can run it in a terminal:
bash install_root.sh
Or you can open the script in a text editor and run the steps one by one.

If you use Windows we deeply recomend you make a dual boot with linux or create a virtual machine. Further information on the ROOT instaltion:

If you choose to run the script install_root.sh, the next time you open a terminal you should be able to run root by typing:

Primary author

João Pedro de Arruda Gonçalves (LIP)

Presentation materials