Café com Física

Novel detection techniques and space radiation research in LEO orbit with Timepix detectors onboard satellites and the International Space Station

by Carlos Granja (Advacam, Prague and Technical University of Prague)

Sala de Conferências (Departamento de Física FCTUC)

Sala de Conferências

Departamento de Física FCTUC

Universidade de Coimbra

The Timepix family of pixel detectors provide quantum-imaging sensitivity, spectral-tracking response in wide field-of-view. These properties are used to develop novel techniques of radiation imaging, particle tracking and high-resolution radiation dosimetry. Complex radiation fields can be characterized in terms of particle-types (electrons, protons, ions, X rays, gamma rays and neutrons), stopping power and direction. Physics principles and description of the developed methods will be given. Together with miniaturized readout electronics and room temperature operation, compact instrumentation and flexible experiments find application in particle radiotherapy, nuclear physics research, environment, cosmic rays and outer space onboard satellites and the ISS. An overview of deployments in outer space and current developments will be included.

Organised by

Paulo Brás, Paulo Silva, Jaime Silva