LIP Lisboa

Classical and quantum physics in jet quenching

by Jacopo Ghiglieri (SUBATECH)

Seminar Room (LIP)

Seminar Room


Av. Prof. Gama Pinto, n.2 Complexo Interdisciplinar (3is) 1649-003 Lisboa Portugal

The transverse momentum broadening coefficient that describes how much transverse momentum per unit time is received by a jet propagating through a medium. In a weakly-coupled quark-gluon plasma it receives both soft, classical and radiative, quantum corrections. The former are responsible for a large O(g) correction, whereas the latter enter at relative order g^2, but are enhanced by a double logarithm of the length of the medium over the thermal wavelength. In this talk I first introduce both classes of corrections, to then analyze quantum ones in a weakly-coupled quark-gluon plasma. I will show how a thermal population of dynamical gluons changes the boundaries and reduces the size of the double-logarithmic phase space. It also provides new subdominant logarithmic corrections. I will also show how the quantum, double-logarithmic and classical, soft phase spaces are smoothly connected once the radiated gluon becomes soft enough.