4 March 2024 to 13 July 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Introduction to collisions at LHC

6 Mar 2024, 17:00
1h 30m
Conference Room (LIP)

Conference Room (LIP)


João Varela (LIP)


1. Hadron interactions. A few reminders (kinematics, etc.). Proton-proton scattering. Hard scattering.
2. QCD and parton densities. Lepton-proton scattering. Scaling violation.
3. Monte Carlo generators. Parton showers: fragmentation and hadronization.
4. Luminosity and cross-section measurements. Ingredients for cross-section measurement. Luminosity.
5. QCD and jet physics. Higher orders. Jet algorithms. Jet energy scale. Jet cross-section measurements.

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