4:12 PM
Neutrinos, Higgs and Flavour
Joao Penedo
(CFTP/IST, Lisbon)
4:24 PM
Higgs Reloaded
João Paulo Silva
4:36 PM
Beyond Standard Model with Symmetries
Ivo Varzielas
4:48 PM
Some research opportunities at CFTP
Gui Rebelo
(CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa)
5:00 PM
Particle Physics Phenomenology
Grigorios Chachamis
5:12 PM
Searching for anomalous Higgs couplings in ATLAS
Patricia CONDE MUíñO
5:32 PM
Probing the Standard Model with the CMS@LHC: Machine Learning and More!
Cristóvão Silva
Matteo Pisano
5:44 PM
Research opportunities at COMPASS and AMBER experiments at CERN
Marcin Stolarski
5:56 PM
Flavour, Anomalies and Neutrinos at the LHC
Nuno Leonardo
6:08 PM
Research opportunities at the DUNE and SNO+ neutrino experiments
Cristovao Vilela