Café com Física

[Engenharia Biomédica Hoje] The Road Less Traveled: A Biomedical Engineer's Journey to Management

by [ADIADO] Filipe Devesa (Field Service Engineer & Customer Project Manager, ergomotion)

Sala de Conferências (Departamento de Física FCTUC)

Sala de Conferências

Departamento de Física FCTUC

Universidade de Coimbra

In this presentation, the speaker shares his personal journey from biomedical engineer student to a managerial position. He will discuss the challenges faced and lessons learned along the way, highlighting the importance of adaptability, creativity, and continuous learning. Attendees will gain valuable insights about the rapidly evolving and competitive job market of biomedical engineering, and the transition from a technical to a management role. The presentation offers practical advice and suggestions for students and young professionals starting their careers.

Organised by

Paulo Brás, Paulo Silva, Jaime Silva