Operations Meeting




Bi-Monthly IBERGRID Operations Meeting 

The agenda will be the following :

1. Round Table with site participants
2. AOB
3. Next meeting

Online Meeting: https://meet.jit.si/ibergridops

Present: Carles Acosta (pic/ifae), Joao Pina (NCG/LIP), Marcos Seco (USC-LCG2), Patricia Suarez (IFCA-LCG2)

Carles (PIC / IFAE)

* Over the last month regular operation of the services.

* New IBM TAPE library testing ongoing. 

* Adding more DCACHE pools followed by a discussion on how to optimize the pools sizes over the infrastructure.

Joao Pina (INCD/LIP)

* No problems everything running well over the last month. 

* Preparation of the new tendering to buy more hardware (Cloud + Grid)

Marcos Seco (USC-LCG2)

*  No problems everything running well over the last month. 

* New equipment being added in order to overcome the actual low accounting values (bellow quota).  

Patricia Suarez: 

* No problems over the last month. 


* Next meeting 31 of January  


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