IPPOG's Int'l Masterclasses in Particle Physics at IST



Pedro Abreu (LIP and IST)

Be a Scientist for a day...with the hands-on particles!

    • 1
      Entrada dos participantes

      Welcome the participants!

    • 2

      Sessão de Abertura,

      breve explicação sobre o dia...

      Speaker: Prof. Pedro Abreu (LIP and IST)
    • 3
      Introdução à Física de Partículas

      Brief introduction to particle physics

      Speaker: Filipe Joaquim, (IST)
    • 10:30
      Pausa para respirar

      Breathing time

    • 4
      Detetores para a Física de Partículas

      Brief introduction to accelerators and detectors for particle physics

      Speaker: Prof. Pedro Abreu (LIP and IST)
    • 12:00
      Pausa para almoço


    • 5
      Introdução à Análise de Dados

      Introduction to the Hypatia software and Data Analysis

      Speaker: Prof. Pedro Abreu (LIP and IST)
    • 6
      Análise de Dados

      Split of the participants in breakout rooms and move to individual data analysis, with support from tutors.

      Includes exporting the table "Invariant Masses" to a file and upload it to

    • 7
      Discussão local dos resultados

      Brief discussion of the local results from IST.

      Speaker: Prof. Pedro Abreu (LIP and IST)
    • 14:45
      Pausa para respirar

      Breathing time!

    • 8
      Ligação à Video-Conferência com o CERN

      Separate Zoom session!
      Video-conference with CERN

    • 9
      Sessão de Encerramento

      Closing session with President of IST and President of LIP
      (and other people)

    • 10
      Perguntas e Respostas

      Questions and Answers with remaining very motivated participants

      Speaker: Prof. Pedro Abreu (LIP and IST)