LIP Lisboa

Meson resonances and S matrix unitarity from lattice QCD potentials

by Pedro Bicudo (IST & CeFEMA)

311 (LIP seminar room)


LIP seminar room

LIP-Lisboa, 3Is, Av. Gama Pinto, 2, 1649-003 Lisboa, Portugal

We discuss how to study I = 0 quarkonium resonances decaying into pairs of heavy-light mesons using static potentials from lattice QCD. These static potentials can be obtained from a set of correlation functions containing both static and light quarks. As a proof of concept we focus on bottomonium with relative orbital angular momentum L = 0 of the  bbbar pair corresponding to      J P C = 0 −+ and J P C = 1 −− . We use static potentials from an existing lattice QCD string breaking study and compute phase shifts and T matrix poles for the lightest heavy-light meson-meson decay channel. We discuss our results in the context of corresponding experimental results, in particular for Υ(10860) and Υ(11020).

 Work done with Marco Cardoso, Nuno Cardoso,  Marc Wagner