Café com Física

Searching for AGNs with VST: Optical variability in the COSMOS and CDFS regions

by Prof. Maurizio Paolillo (Università di Napoli Federico II, Itália)

Sala de Conferências (Departamento de Física)

Sala de Conferências

Departamento de Física

Universidade de Coimbra

I will present the capabilities of the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) built in Naples and now operating at Paranal under ESO supervision. I will briefly discuss the main sky survey that the astronomical community is performing with the VST, intended to address several unsolved question in astrophysics: from the measurement of cosmological parameters, to the evolution of galaxies in different environments, to the detection of optical GW counterparts. I will then focus on the SUDARE-VOICE survey as a tool to identify Active Galactic Nuclei based on their optical variability, and discuss how this methods nicely complements other approaches, representing a very promising tool for current and future facilities such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope under construction in Chile.

Organised by

Filipe Veloso e Pedro Costa