LIP Lisboa

Effective Methods for Advanced PCB Routing

by Miguel Ferreira (LIP)

311 (LIP Seminar Room)


LIP Seminar Room

Av. Gama Pinto, n.2, piso 3 Lisboa, Complexo Interdisciplinar (3is) 1649-003 Lisboa Portugal

Most of us are familiar with Moore’s Law that predicts that the number
of transistors in an Integrated Circuits (IC) would double every 2
years. This made possible to create ICs that can replace thousans (and
more) transistors, and thereby increasing the speed and performance but
also increasing the heat dissipation.

Efficiency and power consumption concerns drove the operation voltage to
go lower. As voltage drops, the size and pitch can be reduced, allowing
the pin count and density to be increased. All these factors can create
big challenges, but also interesting solutions.
In this presentation, advanced routing techniques will be presented to
address high-speed concerns, routing requirements, and improving
reliability and quality on complex designs.