17–19 Oct 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone


Friday morning

18 Oct 2024, 09:00
Auditório B1, Complexo Pedagógico 2 (Braga)

Auditório B1, Complexo Pedagógico 2


Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar


Friday morning: Opening

  • There are no conveners in this block

Friday morning: Neutrinos and Dark Matter

  • Raul Sarmento (LIP)

Friday morning: Biomedical applications

  • Alexandre Lindote (LIP)

Friday morning: Computing

  • Alexandre Lindote (LIP)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Nuno Castro (LIP Director), Prof. Patrícia Gonçalves (LIP Director), Prof. José Manuel González Meijome (President of the School of Sciences, UMinho), Prof. Eugenio Campos Ferreira (Vice-Rector, UMinho)
18/10/2024, 09:00
Cristovao Vilela (LIP), Nuno Leonardo (LIP)
18/10/2024, 09:30
Nuno Barros (LIP), Valentina Lozza (LIP)
18/10/2024, 09:50
Paulo Brás (LIP), Alexandre Lindote (LIP)
18/10/2024, 10:15
Andrey Morozov (LIP), Hugo Simões (LIP Coimbra)
18/10/2024, 11:25
Luis Peralta (LIP)
18/10/2024, 11:45
Joana Gonçalves Sá
18/10/2024, 12:05
Jorge Gomes (LIP), João Pina (LIP), Mário David (LIP)
18/10/2024, 12:30
Building timetable...