/********************** STEP 4 **********************/ cout<<"Step 4: Use FillDetection(DET, N , resolution, original spectrum, oscillation function) to fill histogram DET"<SetLineColor(kBlue); TH1D *FD=new TH1D("FD","Far Detector; E [MeV]; # events",32,1.8,8.2); FD->SetLineColor(kRed); ND->Sumw2(); FD->Sumw2(); //this line is necessary for root to store statistical uncertainties cout<<"Write in your macro the value for EventsInNearDetector, the resolution and calculate the value for EventRatio"<SetParameter(0,dNear); FillDetection(ND,EventsInNearDetector,resolution,reactor,oscil); ND->DrawClone("hist,pe"); new TCanvas; oscil->SetParameter(0,dFar); FillDetection(FD,EventsInFarDetector,resolution,reactor,oscil); FD->DrawClone("hist,pe"); cout<Integral()<<" and number of FD events "<Integral()<Integral()/EventsInNearDetector<<" and fraction of FD events "<Integral()/EventsInFarDetector<DrawClone();" lines, and the line above and //paste STEP 5 to proceed with the exercise